If you ask us, beetroots are one of the most under-appreciated vegetables on the market. You probably know all about how it can stain your clothes or food, but don’t know about the many health benefits it can bring to your plate. Well, we’re here to change all that, as we’re going to give you 10 reasons why you need to include this vegetable in your diet plan.

1. Strengthens Your Heart
Beetroot is often recommended by doctors as it can help prevent heart attacks or similar cardiovascular problems, as this wonderful vegetable can lower your blood pressure and therefore halt hypertension. So, if you want a strong and healthy heart, add some to your dinner plate today.

2. Improves Your Stamina and Endurance
If you regularly workout then beetroots are the ideal vegetable, as it contains nitrate that helps to carry oxygen around your body. As a result, your muscles don’t need as much oxygen and you’ll ultimately have more stamina and endurance.

3. Improves Brain Function
As beetroot can increase the blood flow to your brain, it is a great way to prevent dementia, and is therefore particularly beneficial to our elders. In addition, the vegetable can also improve a person’s cognitive functions.

4. Detox Your Body
If you want to rid your body of all sorts of toxins then you should definitely make beetroot a staple item in your home. As it is packed with glycine betaine and methionine, it can stimulate your liver’s cells and protect it from fatty depositions from protein deficiency or alcohol abuse. 

5. Aids Pregnancy
If you’re pregnant and looking for a much needed energy boost then start eating beetroot. It’s thought to be one of the best vegetables a pregnant mother can consumer, as it contains plenty of folic acid that’s vital for a baby’s spinal cord. Beetroot can therefore prevent many spinal conditions, such as spina bifida.

6. Slows Down the Ageing Process
You can’t stop yourself getting older but you can stop yourself from looking it. As beetroot is full of antioxidants it can remove free radicals from your system, whilst also reducing DNA and cell damage, so the vegetable can prevent premature ageing. You know you want to run out to the supermarket and get some right now!

7. Tackles Anaemia
Anaemia occurs when a body is low on iron absorption, and this can often make people feel tired or lower their blood circulation. It’s essential that anyone suffering from anaemia has a diet rich in iron, and that’s where beetroot comes in. It’s high in iron and can therefore have you feeling fit and healthy.

8. Prevents Cancer
Betacyanin, a nutrient that can reduce the risk of tumours or precancerous legions, is contained in beetroot and help give the vegetable its famous red pigment. It also includes betanin that’s proven to fight off liver and skin tumours.

9. Helps Weight Loss
If you’re battling the bulge then definitely consider beetroot, as it helps to stimulate your intestine’s nerves whilst helping your body to digest food. It’s also stocked with fibre, protein and carbohydrates, so will fend away those annoying hunger cravings as you’ll feel fuller for longer. 

10. Stabilises Blood Sugar
As we’ve just mentioned, beetroot offers a wealth of fibre, which can lower your cholesterol. The bright vegetable also contains carotenoids and flavonoids that can stop bad cholesterol from being oxidised into your arteries.

So, if you care about your health at all then you’ll start eating beetroot on a regular basis. Your body will be glad you did.