The key to achieving a happy and healthy body is to incorporate the right foods into our diet, on top of a regular workout routine. Unfortunately, many of us still add fattening foods into our diets, not realising how bad they actually are for us. For this reason, we’re going to provide you with some informative facts about some of the worst culprits.

1. Sweetened Drinks
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Many people often opt for sweetened drinks, thinking they are a healthy drink in comparison with full sugar options. However, these deceptive drinks can often contain 150 calories or more. Sweetened drinks have also been linked to high blood pressure levels. Water is always recommended as the healthiest drink option as it has zero calories, but failing that you’re probably best opting for a 100% fruit juice that has a lot of nutritional value.

2. Street Foods
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The aroma of street food is often too good to resist, but you should try as they offering a varying amount of calories and aren’t great for portion control. So, if you’re on a diet or just want to live a healthy lifestyle then you’re best walking past that teasing stall.

3.        Fried Chicken
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As chicken is packed full of protein and offers so many health benefits, many people believe that fried chicken offers lower calories in comparison to a cheeseburger or hotdog; when in actual fact fried chicken is one of the worst foods you can eat. Deep fried in oil and full of salt, fried chicken is stocked full of calories. So, if you’re looking for a low fat chicken recipe then we recommend marinating chicken in a dry spice rub.

4.        Mayonnaise and Salad Cream
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Most people forget about the calories packed in condiments such as mayonnaise or salad cream, and will therefore lather it on their sandwiches or salads. However, they’re full of calories that will completely annihilate your weight loss plan. So, if you must have mayonnaise, opt for a lighter option, or you could always add some beans or tomatoes to your plate instead.

5.        Fried Snacks
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Fried snacks, such as crisps, samosas and nachos, can cause havoc to a diet as their stuffed with calories and fat. While they’re okay to eat in moderation and as part of a healthy diet, excess consumption can cause significant weight gain. Always opt for a fruit or low dressing salad as a snack instead of heading to the fried snacks – your waistline will be happy you did.

6.        Sugary Alcoholic Beverages
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Believe it or not, those colourful sugary alcoholic drinks and cocktails can contain between 300 to 800 calories, which is why it’s important to avoid them when on a night out or having an evening in. Instead, opt for a light beer, a glass of champagne, single vodka or a small glass of dry white wine.

7.        Sausages, Burgers and Hot Dogs
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Can you believe that one hot dog offers 280 calories? Just one hot dog! While some sausage varieties can contain a whopping 330 calories! Do you love a cheeseburger? Well you probably won’t like the fact that the average sized burger on a bun with cheese, tomato and lettuce can contain over 700 calories.

8.        High Fat Meats
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Surprisingly, certain red meats can be full of calories, with pork and beef ribs being some of the worst offenders, as this can be the fattiest part of the animal. What’s even more shocking is that a 20 ounce T-bone steal can be packed with 1,540 calories. Sheesh!

9.        Ice Cream
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Ice cream is everyone’s favourite summer snack – but we doubt people would want one as much if they knew just one scoop can offer nearly 400 calories. So, if you want to stay fit and healthy then opt for healthier alternatives, such as fruit desserts or a fresh smoothie.

10.        Chips
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In the UK, you can’t seem to turn a corner without running into a chip shop. However, these “chippy chips” will provide 946 calories for 1 400g serving. Shocking! Packed full of salt and cooked in fattening oil, they’re definitely a no-no when it comes to dieting. You should therefore make healthier alternatives using fresh potatoes and some herbs or spices.

Are you surprised by the calorie content in the above foods? Will it stop you from adding them to your diet? Let us know.